Vrienden UMC Utrecht is looking for investments to finance research using our game Daydream. Daydream will be used in a pilot studio to research the effectiveness of an applied game using neurofeedback or heart rythm variability as a control method. Specifically for patients suffering from psychotic symptoms.
People with psychotic disorder have a lot of trouble focussing their attention and experience a lot of stress. With the help of therapy and medication they can learn to reduce this stress or better their concentration. Yet this is a long process and not everyone is equally successful. A computer game could be a valuable addition to these therapies. The benefit of a game is that patients can do the game-training by themselves, and they can play it whenever they feel like and in their own environment.
This important study will answer a lot of questions. Will people that follow this game training during their treatment learn to deal with stress better than people that don’t play the game during the period of treatment? Can they focus their attention better? Does that lead to shorter treatments, lower dosing of medication, less psychotic symptoms, and less relapse?
With Vrienden UMC Utrecht (freely translated as ‘Friends of the University Medical Centre Utrecht’) the UMC is looking for investments to gather medical evidence and appoint a researcher to the project for a 3 year period.
For more information visit the Vrienden UMC Utrecht site here (in dutch / nederlands), but this seems to have disappeared.